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The Real Life


​​There are many common misconceptions about teachers. We, as future educators, felt the need to address these stereotypes and challenge them in a way that engages the audience and makes them truly question their existing beliefs. Being teachers, our job is multidimensional—we play many roles in order to adapt to each child and make the most out of their learning experiences. Contrary to common beliefs, teaching is no simple task. Teaching takes extreme dedication and commitment in order to cater to each child’s individual needs. While many people may be turned off from teaching because of the low pay, we teach to make a difference-- to implant a curiosity for knowledge in the minds of our youth. You cannot measure the rewards that come hand in hand with teaching. We spend hours outside of the classroom dedicated to our students because we value our students and want them to succeed. Our day is not over when we leave the classroom. Teachers are much more than YOU think.

Life of a Teacher


​​The thought of having to continue defending ourselves even after we leave the college campus is astonishing. We will continue to exhaust ourselves as people continue to doubt our profession. The school bell rings at 3PM and our day has just begun. After spending a hectic day in the classroom, our students leave and we begin to plan for the surprises that tomorrow will bring.

Life of an Education Major


​​Most of our time as education majors is spent defending our career choice. We have become used to people looking down upon us and questioning the effort it takes to do what we do. Contrary to what people may think, this major is not built for everyone. We may not sit for hours memorizing facts and formulas for one exam but no one else is training to shape the lives of the future.


TEACHERS: Not what YOU Think


Elementary Education Majors: Subverting Stereotypes

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