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1) The teacher will read the book Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold aloud to the students. While reading the teacher should engage the students by asking questions.

  • Who do you think the tiny woman is?

  • Has anyone heard of Harriet Tubman?

  • What are the slaves not allowed to do?

  • Why do you think Cassie isn’t allowed to tell anyone she is planning on escaping the slave plantation?

  • What do you think has happened to Be Be?

  • What are some markers that Cassie must look for and follow?

  • Where is Cassie trying to get to so she can be safe?


2) After the reading, the teacher will allow the students to discuss their feelings towards the book and the Underground Railroad in general.

How do you think Cassie and Be Be felt during their journey?

How does this book make you feel?

Was it a happy ending?

What do you think about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad?


3) The teacher will then introduce the featured artist, who is also the author of the book, Faith Ringgold. The teacher will provide basic information about Faith Ringgold and her artwork’s purpose.

Faith Ringgold is a painter, writer, speaker, and multiple media sculptor.

She has written sixteen children’s books.

Her artwork has been featured in museums across the country and she has won many awards for these art pieces.


4) The teacher will show examples of Faith Ringgold’s artwork, especially her freedom quilts. The teacher will explain what a freedom quilt is and its’ purpose of sharing a story. (


5) The students will then make their own “freedom quilt” about a famous Underground Railroad passenger. Since Faith Ringgold’s book is fictional, students will have to do further research.


6) The students can research their famous Underground Railroad passenger using the internet or books. The students should print a picture of their person to place on their quilt. If a picture is not available, the students should draw their best interpretation of the person.


7) The students are then free to express the passenger’s story using the art supplies available.


8) The students will then share their freedom quilts with the class.



8.3.3.B: Identify and describe historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to United States history.

9.1.3.F: Identify works of others through a performance or exhibition

9.2.3.E: Analyze how historical events and culture impact forms, techniques and purposes of works in the arts 


Lesson Overview:


This lesson is the introduction into the slavery and the Underground Railroad unit. The teacher will first read a book to engage the students and give them basic information about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Then the students will make “freedom quilts” based off the artwork of Faith Ringgold. This lesson should inspire them to want to learn more about this unit.



-Faith Ringgold’s Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky

-Images of Faith Ringgold’s freedom quilts

-Art supplies for freedom quilts:

  • Paint

  • Images related to Underground Railroad

  • Fabric

  • Paper/Canvas

  • Scissors

Lesson 1

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